We want you to get the care you deserve.

Transforming pelvic floor physical therapy

We are passionate about providing care that utilizes evidence based practice to ensure that the symptoms presented are addressed in a manner that alleviates the root causes while doing so in a manner that allows the patient to feel comfortable engaging with their therapist and confident that their best interests are being served.  Extensive training has been undergone to best prepare for your visit, including:

Herman and Wallace Level 1, 2A, 2B
Herman and Wallace Pregnancy Rehabilitation
Herman and Wallace Sacroilliac Current Joint Concepts
Herman and Wallace Manual Therapy for the Abdominal Wall
Holistic Treatment of the Postpartum Body
Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist   

A modern approach

We understand that life is busy, and it is not always easy to set aside the time you need to address your health needs due to the many competing priorities demanding your time.  Instead of traveling to a physical facility to receive your treatment, we will bring the treatment to you!  This practice is mobile and proudly serves the areas of metrowest.  Our hope is that this ability to accommodate a wide range of schedules is conducive towards establishing less stress throughout the entire treatment process.

Frequently asked questions

What is pelvic floor physical therapy?

Pelvic floor physical therapy is a dynamic subset of traditional physical therapy that concentrates on musculoskeletal issues that are in the pelvic floor.  These muscles are responsible for a wide range of day to day biological functioning, such as bowel, bladder, and sexual functioning.  These ‘hammock’ muscles can experience a significant degree of stress during pregnancy and especially after delivery.  We have specialized knowledge in assessing, treating, and monitoring the restoration of these muscles back to the function.

What does the first visit entail?

During your first visit we will conduct a thorough interview to gain a comprehensive understanding of your medical history and any current symptoms. Next, we perform a head to toe examination which includes looking at your strength and flexibility to determine the root cause of your symptoms. This examination may include an internal examination if warranted, but it is always up to your comfort level. We then develop a plan of care which may include manual therapy and individualized exercise programs. One of the main goals of our first visit is to establish a measure of comfort, this is paramount in any patient-provider relationship. We want to ensure your appointments are dedicated to working towards the results you deserve.

Do you accept insurance?

I have chosen to provide my services as an out of network provider as a result of having worked in insurance based organizations. My goal is to maximize my time spent providing you with the treatment and attention your specific situation deserves.  I will provide you with an itemized superbill to potentially get reimbursed through your insurance company. Please contact your insurance company to determine your out of network benefits.

Is a referral required?

Massachusetts is a direct access state, meaning that you are not required to see your primary care physician or separate specialist to receive a referral for treatment for the pelvic floor diagnosis you may be dealing with.  As mentioned previously, insurance companies often require referrals for patients to gain access to treatment. Documentation and record keeping will always be maintained for any and all services you receive while under my care.

Is an internal exam required?

Absolutely not!  Your comfort is my top priority. As part of the evaluation process I may state that other patients with similar symptoms or experiences have received the exam, but this does not constitute a requirement on your part.  Declining the exam does not mean your goals and health objectives won’t be achieved, simply that we will work collaboratively to achieve them in an alternative way.

Book your free discovery call, today.